What Does Lemongrass Do for Your Health?

Lemongrass, commonly known as citronella, is a tall, stalky plant. It has a citrus taste and a crisp, lemony fragrance. It's a frequent component in Thai cookery and a natural insect repellant. Aromatherapy uses lemongrass essential oil to refresh the environment, decrease tension, and raise the mood. Lemongrass is frequently used as a folk medicine to induce sleep, alleviate discomfort, and strengthen the immune system. Lemongrass tea is one of the most common ways to consume it. Continue reading to find out how drinking lemongrass tea might help you achieve these possible health advantages. Lemon Grass: How Does It Work? Some bacteria and yeast may be inhibited by lemongrass. Lemongrass also includes chemicals considered to alleviate pain and swelling, lower fever, enhance blood sugar and cholesterol levels, stimulate the uterus and menstrual flow, and have antioxidant qualities. Lemongrass Plant Uses and Effectiveness Inadequate Evidence for Dandruff. According to preliminary st...