What are the Benefits of Lemon Water | Ma2ke Healthy Diet

Lemon water is only combined with water, lemon juice. It depends on your preferences, the amount of lemon juice in lemon water. People can have cold or hot drinks. Some people additionally add lemon rind, mint leaf, melon, turmeric, etc. Here are Some Benefits of Lemon Water It Improves Hydration The Food and Nutrition Board recommends that women consume at least 91 ounces of fruit and vegetables per day, while men consume at least 125 ounces. This includes water from meals and drinks. Water is the ideal beverage for hydration, yet some individuals dislike the taste of it on its own. Adding lemon to water improves the flavor, which may encourage you to drink more. It has a High Vitamin C Content Citrus fruits, such as lemons, are high in vitamin C, a key antioxidant that protects cells from potentially harmful free radicals. You've undoubtedly heard that vitamin C may help prevent or shorten the length of a common cold in some individuals, but research is mixed. Vitamin C may decre...