What are the Health Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flowers or Blue Ternate?

butterfly pea flower or blue ternate

Clitoria ternatea, often known as butterfly pea or blue ternate, is a Fabaceae family perennial herbaceous plant. It has uses in both contemporary medicine and agriculture. The plant can be grown to provide natural food colorants and antioxidants. Blue ternate abundance of unique anthocyanins makes it a great source of natural additives that can improve the look and nutritional value of consumer items. 

These are Some of the Health Benefits of Butterfly Pea Flowers or Blue Ternate

Butterfly Pea Flower Can Help You Lose Weight

With growing awareness of the health hazards connected with obesity, a rising number of individuals are seeking for strategies to shed weight and keep healthy. Drinking tea for weight reduction has become fairly popular, and it appears that blue tea may be the next weight loss drink.

Blue tea aids weight reduction by avoiding and combating fatty liver disease, according to one research published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders.

Fatty liver disease is to blame for weight gain, particularly in the abdomen. Blue tea aids in the burning of abdominal fat by guarding against fatty liver disease.

The star component in blue tea is the catechin EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, which boosts the metabolism and speeds up the calorie-burning process. According to studies, blue tea has greater quantities of the chemical EGCG than other teas, making it an effective weight reduction drink.

Blue tea antioxidants contain anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects, which help it cleanse the body and lose water weight gained due to water retention. To cleanse and increase your metabolism, take a cup of this gorgeously colored drink after meals.

Butterfly Pea Flower Is a Completely Natural Paracetamol

If you have a fever and only have blue tea on hand, you don't need to worry since you have an all-natural Paracetamol.

According to research published in the journal phytomedicine, blue tea has antipyretic characteristics and mimics the effects of Paracetamol, a pain reliever and fever reducer.

According to one study, blue tea extract, when taken in dosages ranging from 200 to 400 milligrams, was demonstrated to considerably lower body temperature for up to five hours after consumption.

Blue tea reduces fever by forcing blood vessels beneath the skin to dilate, which starts to cool the blood by increasing the amount of blood and decreasing temperature.

Butterfly Pea Flower Is Useful for Eye Health

It is also known as "Bunga Telang," which translates to "clear vision," is extremely beneficial for keeping strong and healthy eyes.

The Balinese utilize blue tea as a natural treatment for eye problems. For the same reason, the beverage is also quite popular in Indonesia.

Clitoria Ternatea, the plant that produces blue tea, is high in antioxidants. Proanthocyanidin is one such antioxidant, and it is responsible for boosting blood flow to the capillaries of the eyes.

As a result, blue tea can be used to treat retinal degeneration, glaucoma, and impaired vision.

Butterfly Pea Flower Can Help With Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

If a long day at work causes you to get stressed and anxious, blue tea is for you. Blue tea is now used as a stress reliever since ancient times, and it has an adaptogenic impact on your body, which helps it to reduce stress.

Blue tea antioxidants have been proved to elevate the most emotions and calm the nerves, allowing for a good night's sleep. Blue tea has been demonstrated in one research, published in the journal Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, to have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system (CNS) of mice.

The study also discovered that blue tea can help with sadness, tension, and anxiety. So, pour yourself a cup of blue tea, which is not only appealing to the eyes but also soothing to the nerves.

Diabetics May Benefit From Butterfly Pea Flower

In 2016, diabetes was directly responsible for 1.6 million fatalities. While there is no cure, research shows that color-changing blue tea is beneficial for diabetics in controlling blood sugar levels and treating type II diabetes.

A cup of blue tea between meals has been found to help control blood sugar and decrease blood glucose levels. Blue tea prevents excess glucose absorption from meals, therefore assisting in the control of blood sugar levels.

Blue tea extract was shown to significantly lower blood glucose levels and raise body weight in diabetic rats, according to a study published in the Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science.

The study indicated that blue tea extract had anti-diabetic effects similar to that of the anti-diabetic medication glibenclamide.

Butterfly Pea Flower Is Beneficial to Heart Health

Blue tea is high in antioxidants, which not only protect you from illnesses but also help maintain your heart in excellent health.

Blue tea has been shown in studies to be helpful in decreasing high cholesterol levels, which is a key risk factor for heart disease. Blue tea has been found to protect against cardiovascular disease by lowering hyperlipidemia. Hyperlipidemia is defined as an excessively high level of lipids or fats in the blood.

It also reduced triglyceride and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels significantly.

Butterfly Pea Flower Is High in Antioxidants and Does Not Contain Caffeine

Why take pills when blue tea has all of the antioxidants you require?

Blue tea is high in antioxidants; in fact, it is the only tisane with antioxidant levels equivalent to green tea. Chronic inflammation, poor immunity, and a variety of other illnesses, including cancer, are all caused by free radicals.

Blue tea contains an antioxidant called Proanthocyanidin, which protects cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Cyclotides, which are present in blue tea, are free-radical fighting peptides.

And, as if it wasn't enough... Blue tea is also high in flavonoids, which help to enhance the immune system and fight illness.

Furthermore, blue tea has been found to act as an expectorant, providing relief with coughs and asthma.

One significant advantage of blue tea is that it provides the soothing effects of tea without the jitters induced by caffeine. Blue tea has no caffeine since it is not produced from the Camilla Sinensis plant.

This means you can have another cup of blue tea without feeling bad about it.

Butterfly Pea Flower Aids in Anti-Aging

Everyone wishes for clean, blemish-free, radiant skin. Blue tea is high in antioxidants, which are beneficial to your hair and skin and help to prevent premature aging by combating free radicals.

Anthocyanin, a chemical found in blue tea, improves blood flow to the scalp and strengthens hair follicles. Thailand's people have been utilizing the blue tea plant, also known as Butterfly Pea herb, for generations to heal various ailments.

Male Pattern Baldness and Premature Greying

Glycation, a protein-damaging process, causes the skin to age. Blue tea contains anti-glycation qualities, which means it slows the glycation process and keeps your skin looking young.

Elastin and collagen are essential molecules that keep skin appearing young by avoiding wrinkles and keeping skin suppleness.

Blue tea flavonoids have been demonstrated to enhance collagen and skin suppleness. Quercetin is a flavonoid found in blue tea that strengthens hair and skin cells while also retaining moisture in skin cells.

Butterfly Pea Flower Is Beneficial to Brain Health

Blue tea has also been related to improved brain function in general. According to the study, the antioxidants present in blue tea stimulate brain capacity, enhance cognitive skill and memory, and are beneficial to the central nervous system (CNS).

Blue tea extract has been demonstrated in animal tests to improve memory, heal depression, soothe nerves, and increase cognitive capacity. However, much more research on the issue is required.

One study discovered that blue tea extract, at doses ranging from 50 to 100mg/kg, improved memory in rats over the course of 30 days.

Another study discovered that the extract from the blue tea plant's root was more powerful than the extract from the leaves or stem. Acetylcholine is a chemical that allows nerve cells to communicate effectively. Acetylcholine levels drop with aging, resulting in memory problems and other brain-related problems.

Acetylcholine is included in blue tea, and frequent drinking of blue tea can help prevent brain loss and improve memory and cognitive skills. Grab a cup of blue tea to help your brain.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Butterfly Pea Flower

According to a research published in the “International Research Journal of Pharmacy,” blue tea has enough antioxidants to combat disease-causing inflammation.

Blue tea's anti-inflammatory benefits are attributed to its high powerful antioxidants, which not only helps decrease inflammation but also protects against a variety of chronic illnesses.

Blue tea extracts also contain anesthetic effects, and have been used to relieve pain and swelling for centuries. Blue tea has been found to cure both exterior and interior inflammations.

Are There Any Side Effects of Butterfly Pea Flowers or Blue Ternate?

Butterfly pea flower tea has yet to be linked to any negative side effects. There are worries about nausea and diarrhea, although these symptoms do not affect everyone.

When drinking this tea for the first time, anyone with allergies or delicate digestion should be cautious.

Before consuming butterfly pea tea, pregnant or lactating women should consult their doctors. Because there haven't been any convincing research on the tea's negative effects, it's wise to be careful.

butterfly pea flower or blue ternate
The Uses of Butterfly Pea Flowers or Blue Ternate

These are just a few of the advantages that come with eating the butterfly pea. To treat bleeding, infections, and ulcers, it can be used with other herbs, medicinal plants, and healthful ingredients. Now that we've established that it's healthy, let's look at the many methods for preparing the blossom for food or usage.

  • To make a blue or purple food coloring, the Clitoria Ternatea is either crushed into a paste or pressed for its extract and combined with coconut milk. The resultant material is subsequently used in a variety of Thai and Malay cuisines, most notably "nasi kerubu," or blue rice.
  • Clitoria Ternatea leaves are cooked in hot water and used to make tea. It has a bitter flavor, comparable to tea prepared from other leaves and herbs, although it can be sweetened and sourened by mixing it with lime or lemon.
  • Butterfly pea paste, in addition to being eaten and consumed, may be applied to the skin to preserve its appearance or as a treatment for swelling and sores.

The Blue Ternate/ Clitoria Ternatea is a beneficial material for both the mind and the body, but as the saying goes, "all things in moderation." According to research, eating too much butterfly pea can induce lethargy, headaches, and extreme diarrhea. It is also suggested not to allow pregnant women to participate owing to their delicate state.

Is it Okay to Consume Blue Ternate?

Blue butterfly pea consumption can increase cognitive ability and general brain health. Cancer-fighting properties: Butterfly pea plants contain anticancer chemicals. Consuming blue butterfly pea tea may help in the battle against cancer. It penetrates cancer cells and prevents them from growing.


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